Searching for Measures of Your Innovation Initiatives? Look Here for Some Clues.

Often organizations seeking to create a culture of innovation to enhance their performance will look for ways to assess that the methods that they are using are making a difference. Clearly, organizations that enact new products and services can easily determine impact through key performance indicators or financial indicators of their business. However, for organizations […]

Health Datapalooza 2017 – The Data Revolution Rolls On

The 8th annual Health Datapalooza returns on April 26 – 28 and offers a re-imagined vision of health and health care through the lens of data. In years past, Health Datapalooza has set its sights on health-care startups, apps, big data, electronic health records – you name it – but the main thrust was always […]

The Innovation Horizons Project – An Organizational View on Fostering a Culture of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

As the Executive Director for Innovation at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), I have learned a great deal about large institutions, whether governmental, profit-driven businesses, or non-profit entities, that thrive on well-honed, routine management processes. I have also seen how bureaucracies serve these organizations well by bringing consistency, predictability, reliability, and […]

Tracking transplant organs like mail, and other HHS innovations

There’s no rule that says innovations have to come from within their own industries. In fact, one agency is finding that the opposite is true. One program that came out of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Idea Lab originated with a former employee of UPS. Read more and listen to Greg’s interview.

Seeking Public Input on the HHS Open Government Plan for 2016–2018

One of the roles that the IDEA Lab and the Office of the Chief Technology Officer perform to serve the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) community, our stakeholders, and the public, is that of a ‘virtual village square’ to promote engagement of new ideas about how we do the people’s business. Nearly […]